VRT Praha – Hradec Králové/Pardubice – Wrocław (RS 5)

The journey between Prague and the regional cities of Pardubice and Hradec Králové will take around 30 minutes. This will connect the capital city competitively with the East Bohemian agglomerations, which are are home to more than 200,000 residents altogether.
RS 5

From Prague you can reach the Polish capital Warsaw in less than 4 hours, and Wrocław in an hour and a half.

The main line to Poland will provide rapid transport to the tourist areas of the Giant Mountains. The branch line to Pardubice will enable the transfer of long-distance transport from the existing corridor to the high-speed line and speed travel to the Eagle Mountains. This will speed up transport between Olomouc, Česká Třebová, Ústí nad Orlicí and Prague as well as increase capacity of the lines through Kolín and Velký Osek for freight transport. It will ease and simplify transport to Ostrava too.

Terminal Praha východ VRT,which can also service trains between Prague and Brno, will make transfers possible in the direction of Brno and other capital cities of the Visegrad Group (V4).

This route consists of several sub-sections that can be implemented at different times and gradually improve train connections:

  • The first part of this high-speed line will be put into operation at the same time as the HSL from Prague to Brno, because the section Praha-Běchovice – Poříčany (VRT Polabí) is shared by both lines.
  • Another section consists of an extension to Hradec Králové with a branch to Pardubice (VRT Východní Čechy – HSL East Bohemia), which together with the modernisation of the existing railway network will also ensure a quality international connection.
  • The construction of the final section from Hradec Králové (Jaroměř) to the border with Poland (Podkrkonoší – Giant Mountains Foothills) will make it possible to reach the target travel times.