
Section Podkrkonoší (Giant Mountain Foothills) is part of the planned line between Prague and Wrocław (Poland).
VRT Podkrkonoší - schéma
Fast Connections  RS 5 Praha/Prague – Hradec Králové – Vratislav/Wroclaw
Section (from – to) Jaroměř – Trutnov – CZ/PL state border
Regions Hradec Králové
Total length (without exits) 39 km
Maximum speed 200 km/h
Maximum design speed 200 km/h
Operation High-Speed units 
Locomotive-hauled trains 
Number of bridges – elevated tracks  30–45 (to be specified in the next phase of project preparation)
Number of tunnels 5
Number of overpasses 6–12 (to be specified in the next phase of project preparation)
+ footbridges for pedestrians and cyclists only To be determined
Number of ecoducts To be determined
Reconstructed railway stations Trutnov-Poříčí
Some topics of interest Due to the rugged terrain, the Podkrkonoší section is conceived as a conventional line with a speed of up to 200 km/h to minimise investment costs. Due to longitudinal gradients of up to 35 ‰, no freight traffic is expected.

Note: All information is approximate and subject to change.


The feasibility study has been completed and comments from the opposing assessment and Státní fond dopravní infrastruktury (State Fund for Transport Infrastructure) have bee integrated. The documentation wa sent to the Central Commission of the Ministry of Transport and is awaiting its approval.

The Section Will Include a Connection to the Regular Railway Network:

  • North of Hradec Králové in the direction of Poland, modernisation of the existing railway line and construction of new railway lines in the sections Jaroměř – Trutnov and from Trutnov to the CZ/PL state border is planned. The project also includes the construction of a direct connection from Česká Skalice to Náchod.

VRT Podkrkonoší - mapa