Three-track bridge on Prague's Výtoň has its designer

The preparation of the Vltava capacity bridge at Prague Výtoň has advanced to the next stage, Správa železnic has selected the designers of the new three-track bridge. Companies SUDOP Praha and TOP CON SERVIS were successful in the tender procedure and submitted the most advantageous offer in the amount of CZK 128,665,000. This is another key step to ensure a safe and high-capacity railway not only in the metropolitan area but also on the backbone line to Germany.

The design work will first start with survey work. The necessary utility relocations will also be the subject of the technical design. The construction of the bridge is expected to take place between 2026 and 2029, the total estimated cost is CZK 3.4 billion.

For more than a hundred years, the bridge on Prague's Výtoň has provided an important railway connection between the main railway station and the Smíchov railway station. In the future, it should play a more important role in suburban transport as well, which is why its extension to three tracks is planned. At the same time, a new train stop will be built at Výtoň, which will enable a smooth transfer to tram lines.

The new bridge is planned to have a service life of 100 years, and its construction will reduce maintenance costs. Thanks to the three-track solution, the importance of the connection between Smíchov and Vršovice railway stations will increase, which will be linked by a new railway line service.

The improvement of the environment will be important for the inhabitants of the surrounding houses, especially by reducing noise and vibrations from railway transport. At the same time, one of the lowest tram underpasses in Prague will disappear, where service is repeatedly interrupted due to broken overhead contact lines. The new bridge will also create a barrier-free bridge between Výtoň and Smíchov. It will also connect the backbone cycling routes in the metropolis.

The design of the new railway bridge was the result of an international architectural competition that took place between 2021 and 2022. The winning design, selected by a jury composed of the investor's representatives, independent experts and representatives of the capital city, best met the demanding transport and technical criteria. The heritage aspect was equally important in the evaluation of the competition dialogue: part of the brief was the requirement that the design of the new bridge should not compromise the visual integrity of the site, which is part of the Prague Monument Reservation.

The Capital City of Prague in cooperation with Správa železnic decided last year to preserve the original steel structure, which will serve as a footbridge over the Vltava River in Modřany after the construction of the new railway bridge under Vyšehrad.

Details of the new bridge project are available in summary on the website

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