VRT Praha

The High-Speed Railway section VRT Praha (HSL Prague) as a part of the Prague transport node will connect to VRT Polabí (HSL Elbe Flatlands), which will ensure further link to other sections from eastern Bohemia. Because new construction of the double-track line between the stations Praha-Vršovice and Praha-Běchovice will pass through a complex urban environment, the designers have placed emphasis on the harmony of the new railway with existing buildings in the area.
VRT Praha - map
Fast Connections   RS 1 Praha/Prague – Brno – Ostrava; RS 5 Praha/Prague – Hradec Králové – Vratislav/Wroclaw
Section (from – to)  Praha-Vršovice – Praha-Běchovice
Praha-Libeň – Praha-Běchovice
Regions Capital City of Prague
Total length (without exits) 13 km
Total length (with exits) 20 km (note: the addition of a 4th track in the section Běchovice – Libeň is included as an exit)
Exits (city/direction) Addition of 4th track in the section Běchovice – Libeň
Maximum speed 270 km/h 
Maximum design speed 270 km/h 
Operation High-Speed units
Locomotive-hauled trains
Number of bridges – elevated tracks  To be determined
Number of tunnels To be determined
Number of overpasses To be determined
+ footbridges for pedestrians and cyclists only To be determined
Number of ecoducts To be determined
Reconstructed railway stations Praha - Zahradní Město
Praha - Libeň 

Note: All information is approximate and subject to change.

The project also includes the construction of a fourth track from Běchovice to Libeň, which will ensure sufficient capacity of a line that is currently very busy with long-distance and suburban transport, and the implementation of the Jahodnická branch line, which will enable smooth passage for freight trains through Prague. A connection to the Praha-Zahradní Město station is planned, providing additional capacity and significantly increasing operational reliability. VRT Praha (HSL Prague) will thus strengthen the capacity of the Prague transport node not only for High-Speed Lines, but also for suburban trains and freight transport. This section will also include facilities for maintenance and depot of High-Speed Trains in Strašnice.

VRT Praha - map