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Efficient Technology

When searching for technical solutions, we also find inspiration abroad. Since 2019, we have been working closely with SNCF, the French state railway. We take into account their 40-plus years of experience operating high-speed lines and TGV trains in France. Our VRT – Czech HSL is planned with a design speed of up to 350 km/h with an assumed operating speed of 320 km/h on most sections.

Railway Alingment
The planned High-Speed Lines will follow the terrain and will run in cuttings, on bridges, or embankments, and in tunnels. Their design takes advantage of track gradients of up to 35 per mil. The radius will generally be more than        7 km. The gentler the curve, the higher the possible maximum track speed.

Track Design
High-Speed Trains will run on rails of classic construction, with rails, fasteners, sleepers and a ballast bed. Switches for High-Speed Lines will allow exits to be traversed at 100 km/h, 160 km/h or 230 km/h. The crown of the embankment on High-Speed Lines will be about 11 metres wide.


Power Supply

High-Speed Trains on the Czech Republic’s new high-speed lines will be powered by an AC power system 25 kV, 50 Hz. With this globally proven system, charging stations need not be placed close together.


Motion of People and Animals
On High-Speed Lines there will be no level crossings, only off-grade crossings. The track will be completely fenced in and any motorways, other railway lines, pedestrian paths and wildlife migration corridors will pass under or over it.


VRT are designed and operated by experts, who prepare and operate them using the RAMS management framework. The abbreviation aptly sums up the basic characteristics of HSL: Reliability, Availibility, Mantainability, Safety.     

The Differences are Small at First Glance

At first glance, High-Speed Lines are almost indistinguishable from conventional lines. The rails are placed on concrete sleepers. They are jointless, because at speeds above 300 km/h the wheels of the train must roll smoothly. Safety is always our priority, so the tracks are completely fenced and there are no crossings. These are replaced by underpasses and bridges.