VRT Polabí

The section of the High-Speed Line VRT Polabí (HSL Elbe Flatlands) is crucial to the Czech railway network, as it will be part of two routes (Praha – Brno – Ostrava and Praha – Hradec Králové/Pardubice). It will also carry nearly all long-distance trains to the east of Prague using the corridor in the Praha – Pardubice section.

VRT Polabí - schéma

Fast Connections RS 1 Praha/Prague – Brno – Ostrava; RS 5 Praha/Prague – Hradec Králové – Vratislav/Wroclaw 
Section (from – to)  Praha-Běchovice – Poříčany
Regions Capital City of Prague, Central Bohemia
Total length (without exits) 27 km
Total length (with exits) 36 km
Exits (city/direction) Poříčany (direction Kolín)
Vycherov (direction Nymburk)
Maximum speed 320 km/h
Maximum design speed 350 km/h
Operation High-Speed units up to 320 km/h
Locomotive-hauled trains 200–230 km/h
Number of bridges – elevated tracks  37
Number of tunnels 6
Number of overpasses 34
+ footbridges for pedestrians and cyclists only 6
Number of ecoducts 4
New stations Praha východ VRT
Reconstructed railway stations Praha-Běchovice
Some points of interest Only four-track section of the HSL
Part of the modernisation and double-tracking of the Sadská – Nymburk město line
HSL maintenance base VRT Sadská

Note: All information is approximate and subject to change.


In view of the expected high traffic levels, this section is the only one being prepared in a four-track design, as it is the convergence of two branches. The project includes new station Praha východ VRT for both long-distance journeys, including those abroad, and for service as an ordinary P+R parking lot for commuting to the heart of Prague. It will be a 45 minutes trip from Brno, from the centre of Prague about 15 minutes.

VRT Will Include Several Connections to the Conventional Railway Network:

  • In the direction of Kolín, for operation of long-distance trains on the High-Speed Rail corridor,
  • In the direction of Nymburk, for operation of long-distance trains in the direction of Hradec Králové and regional trains to the Central Bohemian Region,
  • In Běchovice to the Prague railway node.

In the next phase of development, an interconnection will be built to the Praha-Zahradní Město station (part of VRT Praha section), which will bring a further increase in capacity and significantly improved operational reliability.

VRT Polabí - mapa