VRT Krušnohorský tunel

The new section VRT Krušnohorský tunel (HSL Ore Mountains Tunnel) of the Dresden – Prague High-Speed Line leads from Heidenau (Germany) to Ústí nad Labem (Czech Republic).
VRT Krušnohorský tunel - schéma
Fast Connections RS 4 Praha/Prague – Drážďany/Dresden
Section (from – to) Ústí nad Labem (včetně) – CZ/DE state border
Regions Ústí nad Labem Region
Total length (without exits) 22 km, of wich approx. 12 km tunnel
Total length (with exits) 23 km 
Exits (city/direction) Teplice
Maximum speed 200 km/h 
Maximum design speed 230 km/h
Operation Mixed: passanger and freight
Number of bridges – elevated tracks 8
Number of tunnels 1
Footbridges for pedestrians and cyclists only 1
New terminals Ústí nad Labem centrum
Some topics of interest The longest railway tunnel in Central Europe, about 31 km in total length

Note: All information is approximate and subject to change.


The new construction includes the creation of a cross-border tunnel, Krušnohorský tunel, with a total length of at least 26 km, of which approximately 12 km are located on Czech territory. It also includes a new station Ústí nad Labem centrum and extension of the existing 130 line Děčín – Chomutov in the section Ústí nad Labem – Chabařovice.

It will be a double-track line electrified by an AC power system and secured by the ETCS system. The tunnel section will run mainly through a pair of single-track tubes.

Both passenger and freight trains will be operated in this section, mainly on the modified existing line up to the Chabařovice area. Mixed traffic in the tunnel will allow up to 150 trains per day to be diverted from the Elbe Valley and will significantly contribute to noise reduction on the existing line.

The travel time for express trains from Ústí nad Labem to Dresden will be reduced to less than half an hour.

The tunnel is being prepared as a cross-border section of the VRT in cooperation with the German partner of Správa železnic, DG Ifra GO.

VRT Krušnohorský tunel - mapa