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Czech government decided to finance the construction of VRT/HSL also through PPP

In September 2024 Czech government approved an important step for the future of High-Speed Lines. It has decided to use PPP project financing for the construction of three key sections, VRT Moravská brána, VRT Jižní Morava and RS Brno - Přerov link. This means that private capital will also participate in the implementation and thanks to this we will be able to start construction faster.

What is PPP
PPP, or Public-Private-Partnership, means that the source of funding for a high-speed line, or high-speed railway, will be the private sector, which will design, finance, build, maintain and operate the lines for several decades before handing them over to the Railway Administration in an adequate quality.

What are the current stages of preparation of these three sections
VRT Moravská brána and VRT Jižní Morava sections are undergoing an environmental impact assessment, the so-called EIA. We are the furthest along on the RS Brno – Přerov section, with construction starting next year.

What are the current dates for the start of construction
The plan foresees that the VRT Moravská brána / HSL Moravian Gate and VRT Jižní Morava / HSL South Morava sections will be built within four years, while the Central Morava section, as mentioned above, will be built next year.

How travel time will be reduced 
Very significantly. For example, between Brno and Ostrava we will travel twice as fast as today. Instead of 128 minutes, it will only take us approximately one hour. We will achieve similarly large reductions in journey times elsewhere. From Přerov to Brno and vice versa we will arrive in just 34 minutes, to Ostrava in 22 minutes, and from Olomouc to Ostrava in 26 minutes.

The main advantage of implementing these sections in the form of PPP
First of all, it allows the use of multi-source financing. This will lead to the fact that we will be able to implement the construction of as many sections as possible at the same time. This is an undeniable advantage, because passengers will be able to use the high-speed lines much sooner.